Ultrafast lasers

from visible to mid-infrared

Ultrashort pulses

Alpha Systeme
  • Tune from 700 nm to 20 µm
  • Select from 100 fs to 1 ps
  • Available from 10 to 80 MHz

Stuttgart Instruments stands for broadly tunable, highly precise and repeatable laser systems in the visible to mid-infrared. Our systems with pulse durations from 100 fs to 10 ps and repetition rates from 10 to 100 MHz find application in material research, life sciences, and environmental sensing.



Narrow linewidth

  • Tune from 1.4 to 18 µm
  • Down to 2 cm-1 linewidth
  • Precise spectral sweeping

Precise. Stable.

stability graph
  • Repeatable.
  • Ultra low noise.
  • Fully automated.


FFOPO technology

Our devices employ a revolutionary fiber-feedback design combining:

  • Unprecedented stability
  • Precisce tunability
  • Compactness
  • Low-noise


Material studies

material studies

Life sciences

life sciences

Environmental sensing

environmental sensing


Visit us at

24 - 27 June 2025

Hall B2

Booth 114

View floor plan


Phone: +49 711 3420325 0 

Email: contact@s-instruments.de

Address: SI Stuttgart Instruments GmbH, Ernsthaldenstr. 17, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany

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